Application Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services provides architecture- and design-level guidance for application architects and developers who need to build distributed solutions with the MS® .NET Framework.
This guide identifies the key design decisions you need to make during the early phases of development and provides design-level guidance to help you choose between design options. It helps you develop an overall design by presenting a consistent architecture built of different types of components that will help you achieve a good design and take advantage of the MS platform.
Although this guide is not intended to provide implementation-level guidance for each aspect of the application, it does provide references to specific MS Patterns & Practices guides, MSDN articles, and community sites that discuss in detail the various aspects of distributed application design. You can think of this guide as a roadmap of the most important distributed application design issues you will encounter when using the MS platform.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Designing the Components of an Application or Service
Chapter 3 - Security, Operational Management, and Communications Policies
Chapter 4 - Physical Deployment and Operational Requirements
Chapter 5 - Appendices
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