dsPIC 33F128MC706 NUE-PSK Digital Modem

dsPIC NUE-PSK Digital Modem

PSK31 is one of the latest communications modes to capture the interest of hams worldwide. Its inherent ability to dig out low, near-inaudible signals is ideally suited for low power QRP enthusiasts. The PSK31 digital modem engine, however, requires intense DSP processing that is only commonly available in PC sound card. Thus the PSK operator desiring portability for field operation is locked into using a laptop computer as a controller, which results in a cumbersome station.

This project shows you design and construction of a standalone, battery-operated digital modem using a Microchip dsPIC microcontroller. The project includes a character display for transmit and receive text data, and a graphic display showing band spectrum and tuning indicator. Using GPL open source software, the modem can be homebrewed for less than $50 parts cost. When coupled with an SSB-capable transceiver or with a popular PSK-xx transceiver board from Small Wonder Labs, you too can have an effective portable PSK31 station.

Project documentation